John Jacob

A Letter From The Commissioner

2025 Super 100 ticket sales are closed.


I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our NJFCA Executive Committee for their vote of confidence in appointing me Commissioner of the NJFCA. It is with great honor that I will serve this organization and the entire NJ Football Community. I have been privileged to work alongside some of the brightest professionals in our field during my time spent with the Executive Committee as Communications Director and Past President. They are truly a great source of wisdom and inspiration.

Our continued central focus will be the preservation, promotion and growth of NJ High School Football. We must continue on the upward trajectory that our association has been steadily climbing. We have mobilized ourselves into a strong force of professionals that have earned the respect and confidence of the NJSIAA along with our state’s educational leadership structure. We will continue to engage in thoughtful dialogue, effective planning and meaningful actions. The NJFCA Executive Committee has an open door policy for all members of the NJ Football Community. We are committed to fostering an environment that encourages ALL coaches to communicate their thoughts as freely and frequently as they wish. It is our goal to convey a unified vision that directly reflects the collective wisdom of the entire NJFCA membership.

Lastly, please be reminded that the bedrock foundation of any organization lies in its membership. While our membership numbers remain strong, we must never lose sight of its direct correlation to the level of influence we will have over the landscape of NJ Football. When you have a moment please log on to our website at and check your yearly membership status. Signing up is simple and quickly completed on-line. The benefits of our membership can be found there including our one million dollar liability insurance.

If you have questions or inquiries please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any of our Executive Committee members at your convenience. This is your state organization and we are here to serve and support you.


John Jacob
NJFCA Commissioner